

Watermelons are not only delicious fruit for refreshing you and keeping you hydrated but also provide many nutrients. They contain vitamins C and A, potassium, magnesium, lycopene and beta-carotene.

Eating watermelon has a similar effect to an isotonic drink, refreshing and nourishing at the same time. This is due to their high water content (93%) with dissolved oligoelements, minerals, vitamins and a small percentage of sugars. Their consumption is ideal for quenching thirst during the summer months.

Health benefits of watermelons

  1. Heart. Watermelons combat the accumulation of plaque in the arteries which could cause a heart attack. They contain citrullin, which is converted into arginine, two amino acids that can help to maintain arteries, blood flow and cardiovascular function.
  2. Diet. They are a natural diuretic, and are therefore a good means of eliminating toxins from the body and reducing swelling. Watermelons are low in fat and calories and rich in phytonutrients and antioxidants that are essential for optimum health.
  3. Eyesight. They are an excellent source of beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body; this helps to produce the pigments in the retina and protects against macular degeneration. Watermelons also contain vitamin C, an antioxidant which can reduce the risk of developing cataracts.
  4. Inflammation. They have the potential to reduce chronic inflammation, which can be behind diseases such as asthma, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease and certain types of cancer. They have high levels of antioxidants, the objective of which is to destroy free radicals.
  5. Prostate. Higher lycopene consumption is associated with a healthier prostate and less risk of developing prostate cancer. A ripe watermelon can contain more lycopene than tomatoes.
  6. Sport. Watermelons are the favourite fruit of athletes because of their thirst-quenching properties, in slices or in the form of juice. Eating watermelon before a hard training session helps to reduce heart rate and muscle pain.
  7. Sex. They contain citrullin, which relaxes and dilates the blood vessels, in the same way as viagra and other medications used for treating erectile dysfunction.
  8. Rejuvenation. Consuming watermelon can rejuvenate the skin and its high lycopene content has been shown to reduce the risk of sun-related skin damage by 40%.
  9. Energy. Because of its high vitamin B6 content, eating a portion of watermelon every day raises energy levels by over 20%. It also contains magnesium, a mineral that helps cell function.
  10. Urinary tract. They are a good option for cleaning the kidneys and the bladder, because of their high water content. Watermelons also contain potassium, which reduces uric acid in the blood and helps to eliminate toxins.



They are one of the most commonly grown vegetables in the world. Their main characteristic is the freshness that makes them indispensable in many recipes, especially in salads. They can be eaten on their own or with dressing. As well as water they are composed of nutrients that provide great benefits for our health.



Health benefits of cucumbers

  1. Water. Cucumbers are 95% water, and are therefore ideal vegetables for making very refreshing juices and drinks. That is why many sportspersons use these drinks instead of water to combat heat and prevent dehydration, especially in months with high temperatures.
  2. Vitamin C. They contain large amounts of vitamin C, especially in their skins, and for this reason it is advisable to eat them with the skin after washing them thoroughly.
  3. Anti-inflammatory. Their anti-inflammatory properties make them an ideal product for reducing swelling. They are good for skin and hair care.
  4. Bad breath. Many people are not aware that keeping a slice of cucumber in your mouth for 30 seconds gets rid of bad breath, as the phytochemicals eliminate the bacteria that cause it.
  5. Cancer. Cucumbers contain three lignans (secoisolariciresinol, pinoresinol and lariciresinol) which reduce several types of cancer, including uterine, prostate, ovarian and breast cancers.
  6. Blood pressure. They can reduce blood pressure due to their fibre, magnesium and potassium content. Eating cucumber regularly can regulate both low and high arterial blood pressure.
  7. Diabetes. They are a food containing a hormone capable of producing insulin to cover the needs of the pancreas and cells. They are a good product for diabetics.
  8. Diuretic. Their diuretic function makes them one of the most highly recommended foods for urinary infection problems such as cystitis and nephritis.
  9. Toxins. One of their most important properties is that they help to eliminate toxins and uric acid, and they are therefore perfect for people with arthritis or gout.
  10. Diet. Their high fibre content makes them a food that improves digestion. They are a natural slimming and depurative agent for the body.



Peppers are horticultural products which can be eaten raw, for example in salads, or cooked, by being fried, roasted, baked or grilled. They are vegetables with a low calorie content and for this reason their consumption is particularly recommended in hypocaloric weight-loss diets.


Health benefits of peppers

  1. Anaemia. Red peppers promote absorption of iron in the digestive tract from foods like pulses and cereals, and their consumption is therefore recommended in people with anaemia.
  2. Cancer. They contain lycopene, which prevents certain types of cancer such as prostate and lung cancer.
  3. High blood pressure. They prevent arterial hypertension.
  4. Anxiety. They calm anxiety and reduce insomnia.
  5. Chronic diseases. They prevent the appearance of chronic and degenerative diseases. They protect cells from contamination and premature ageing.
  6. Heart. Including peppers in the diet helps to prevent heart problems and cerebral haemorrhages.
  7. Skin. They are a food that helps to improve the skin and prevent eyesight problems thanks to their vitamin A content.
  8. Pregnancy and breastfeeding. They are an excellent food for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as they reinforce the mental development of the child as well as strengthening bones and teeth.
  9. Menopause. Eating peppers during the menopause is highly recommended, as their vitamin C helps to reduce hot flushes and other symptoms that occur in this period.
  10. Bowel. They stimulate gastric secretions and improve intestinal transit, and are also ideal for people suffering from constipation.



Their largest component is water, followed by carbohydrates. They are low in calories and free of fat.

They are considered a fruit vegetable, as their simple sugar content is higher than that of other vegetables, giving them a slightly sweet taste.

Tomatoes are very versatile foods in cooking and a very attractive option in recipes.

Health benefits of tomatoes

  1. Health. Tomatoes are rich in vitamins A, C and K, folic acid and potassium, as well as thiamine, niacin, vitamin B6, magnesium, phosphorus and copper. They are also rich in fibre, with a low fat, cholesterol and calorie content.
  2. Skin. They are rich in beta-carotene, which protects the skin from the sun. Tomatoes also contain lycopene, which reduces the sensitivity of the skin to UV rays; in other words, they help to delay the appearance of wrinkles.
  3. Bones. The vitamin K and calcium provided by tomatoes helps to strengthen and repair bones as well as to ensure that they function correctly. Lycopene improves bone mass and helps combat osteoporosis.
  4. Cancer. Tomatoes are a natural anti-cancer agent. The lycopene they contain reduces the risk of suffering from various types of cancer, including those of the prostate, mouth, throat, pharynx, cervix, stomach, oesophagus, rectum, colon and ovaries. Their vitamins A and C combat the free radicals which cause cell damage.
  5. Sugar. Tomatoes are a source of chromium, and therefore regulate blood sugar. It is important to include them in the daily diet.
  6. Eyesight. Consuming tomatoes can benefit eyesight, because their vitamin A improves it and prevents night blindness. They have also been shown to reduce the risk of suffering macular degeneration.
  7. Hair. The vitamin A in tomatoes helps to improve hair health.
  8. Prevention. They are also a food used to prevent kidney stones and gallstones.
  9. Chronic pain. Eating tomatoes relieves slight or moderate chronic pain, such as arthritis, chronic inflammation and back pain, as they are rich in bioflavonoids and carotenoids.
  10. Diet. Their high water and fibre content makes tomatoes an excellent food for losing weight, because they satisfy hunger. They are a perfect food to eat between meals or to accompany other foods.



Aubergines, widely known as “elegant pearls” because of their smooth, shiny skin, are composed of nutrients and essential vitamins such as E and C. With their low calorie content they are one of the most highly recommended vegetables for health, making them an essential element in most slimming diets.

Health benefits of aubergines

  1. Detoxifier. Aubergines contain cells that activate enzymes in the body which help to detoxify and eliminate harmful substances.
  2. Diet. Their low calorie content and large amount of water and fibre make them a satiating food recommended for reducing weight.
  3. Anaemia. They have a high calcium, phosphorus and iron content. For these reasons they are highly recommended for people with anaemia or osteoporosis problems.
  4. Cells. They are rich in flavonoids, pigments known to improve certain qualities of foods and to provide protection for cells against a range of damaging agents.
  5. Antioxidants. Their antioxidant content makes them useful for stimulating the immune system and the body’s energy levels and for keeping the heart healthy.
  6. Cholesterol. Their terpene content helps to reduce cholesterol.
  7. Diabetes. They reduce the blood glucose level and their consumption is therefore especially indicated for diabetics.
  8. Diuretic. They have diuretic effects due to their high potassium content.
  9. Digestive. They are rich in fibre, which produces a satiating effect and helps the digestive system to function correctly.
  10. Rejuvenation. The skin of aubergines contains nasunine, an antioxidant unique to this vegetable, responsible for delaying ageing.



El calabacín, también llamado zucchini, está compuesto de un 95% de agua. Este alimento no tiene ningún contenido calórico, por este motivo es altamente benéfico para el organismo. Si queremos aprovechar todos los beneficios y las propiedades del calabacín es importante que lo consumamos crudo o al vapor.

Es muy sabroso y combina perfectamente con una gran cantidad de alimentos. A pesar de ser un alimento muy liviano, tiene el poder de saciedad.

Health benefits of courgettes

Courgettes, also known as zucchini, are 95% water. This food has no calorie content, and for this reason it is highly beneficial for the body. To take advantage of all the benefits and properties of courgettes it is important to eat them raw or steamed.

They are very tasty and go perfectly with a large number of foods. Despite being a very light food they have the power to satisfy hunger.



Melons are very refreshing seasonal summer fruit, rich in sugar, with a high water content. They have mainly hydrating and energising properties. They provide vitamins and minerals along with a series of components that cure or remedy certain diseases.


Healt benefits of melons

  1. Circulatory system. Because of their adenosine content they prevent the formation of blood clots; their consumption is therefore suitable for preventing diseases such as poor circulation, angina, heart attacks and embolism, among others.
  2. Cancer. Because of their carotene content melons help to prevent the appearance of cancer.
  3. Bowel. Many people are not aware that eating crushed melon pips helps to eliminate intestinal worms.
  4. Rheumatism. On account of their diuretic characteristics they are recommended for diseases in which fluid has to be eliminated from the body, such as rheumatism or gout.
  5. Constipation. The cellulose they contain is suitable for speeding up intestinal transit.
  6. Skin. Their depurative properties are used to clean the body and prevent the appearance of marks on the skin produced by toxins.
  7. Stress. Eating melon regularly helps to reduce anxiety and stress as well the appetite for industrial confectionery which entails a high risk of cholesterol and other types of diseases.
  8. Laxity. Among their qualities is toning, so if you wipe a gauze soaked in melon juice over sagging skin on the neck, arms or legs it can regain its tightness.
  9. Cholesterol. They contain vitamin B3, which is needed for the body’s cells to be able to produce energy. It is a vitamin that helps to maintain low levels of cholesterol and to reduce high blood pressure.
  10. Defences. As well as quenching thirst, melons reinforce the body’s defences.